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Sense Of Rhythm1963 - 3
Native Dancer1950 - 5
Polynesian1942 - 14
Unbreakable (1935) - 4
Black Polly (1936) - 14
Geisha1943 - 5
Discovery (1931) - 23
Miyako (1935) - 5
Prime Time1959 - 3
Eight Thirty1936 - 11
Pilate (1928) - 14
Dinner Time (1929) - 11
Jacodema1948 - 3
Jacopo (1928) - 22
Tedema (1935) - 3
Blue Vic1954 - 13
All Blue1947 - 9
Bull Lea1935 - 9
Bull Dog (1927) - 16
Rose Leaves (1916) - 9
Blue Delight1938 - 9
Blue Larkspur (1926) - 8
Chicleight (1926) - 9
Dona Victoria1939 - 13
Gallant Fox1927 - 4
Sir Gallahad III (1920) - 16
Marguerite (1920) - 4
Vicaress1932 - 13
Flying Ebony (1922) - 5
Valkyr (1925) - 13
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