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Tractor1918 - 2
The Tetrarch1911 - 2
Roi Herode1904 - 1
Le Samaritain (1895) - 2
Roxelane (1894) - 1
Vahren1897 - 2
Bona Vista (1889) - 4
Castania (1889) - 2
Gravitation1899 - 2
St Simon1881 - 11
Galopin (1872) - 3
St Angela (1865) - 11
Gravity1884 - 2
Wisdom (1873) - 7
Enigma (1872) - 2
Obligio1919 - 7
Winkie1912 - 1
William The Third1898 - 2
St Simon (1881) - 11
Gravity (1884) - 2
Conjure1895 - 1
Juggler (1885) - 9
Connie (1884) - 1
Soberside1904 - 7
Obligato1896 - 16
Orville (1889) - 13
The Flirt (1885) - 16
Broadside1886 - 7
Goldsbrough (1870) - 13
Powder (1875) - 7
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