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Ballyciptic1962 - 16
Preciptic1942 - 2
Precipitation1933 - 2
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Double Life (1926) - 2
Artistic1930 - 2
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Ishtar (1920) - 2
Bally Tickle1945 - 16
Ballyogan1939 - 2
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Serial (1932) - 2
Slap And Tickle1932 - 16
Greek Bachelor (1920) - 6
Ferns (1920) - 16
Dansgill1966 - 2
Hill Gail1949 - 11
Bull Lea1935 - 9
Bull Dog (1927) - 16
Rose Leaves (1916) - 9
Jane Gail1944 - 11
Blenheim II (1927) - 1
Lady Higloss (1931) - 11
Royal Danseuse1961 - 2
Prince Chevalier1943 - 9
Prince Rose (1928) - 10
Chevalerie (1933) - 9
Star Dancer1954 - 2
Arctic Star (1942) - 10
Dancing Time (1938) - 2
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