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Concern1991 - A5
Broad Brush1983 - 21
Ack Ack1966 - 9
Battle Joined (1959) - 4
Fast Turn (1959) - 9
Hay Patcher1973 - 21
Hoist The Flag (1968) - 5
Turn To Talent (1963) - 21
Fara's Team1985 - A5
Tunerup1976 - 2
The Pruner (1967) - 19
Our Girl (1968) - 2
Specialization1980 - A5
Princely Native (1971) - 14
Special Vintage (1971) - A5
Wings Of Jove1980 - 6
Northern Jove1968 - 25
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Junonia1961 - 25
Sun Again (1939) - 9
Pavonia (1955) - 25
Regatela1973 - 6
Dr Fager1964 - 1
Rough 'N Tumble (1948) - 1
Aspidistra (1954) - 1
Metatela1960 - 6
Yantorno (1950) - 1
Mirra (1946) - 6
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