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King Amura1970 - 1
Gold Sovereign1957 - 14
Grey Sovereign1948 - 6
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Kong (1933) - 6
Swift Gold1945 - 14
William Of Valence (1932) - 21
Gold Race (1930) - 14
Lady Amura1964 - 1
Minuit1957 - 4
Palestine (1947) - 3
Nikellora (1942) - 4
El Novia1950 - 1
Newtown Pippin (1941) - 11
Wedding Belle (1937) - 1
Lyrical Pence1967 - 2
Persian Lyric1957 - 2
Persian Book1943 - 8
Pherozshah (1934) - 9
Belleheim (1937) - 8
Lyrical Lass1947 - 2
St Andrew (1937) - 1
Gozoni (1938) - 2
Robyn Vista1956 - 2
Port Vista1943 - 3
Panorama (1936) - 1
Outport (1937) - 3
Redress1945 - 2
Beau Son (1938) - 16
Redbreast (1938) - 2
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