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Burgess Point1961 - 14
Princely Gift1951 - 13
Nasrullah1940 - 9
Nearco (1935) - 4
Mumtaz Begum (1932) - 9
Blue Gem1943 - 13
Blue Peter (1936) - 20
Sparkle (1935) - 13
Heron Bay1954 - 14
Honeyway1941 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Honey Buzzard (1931) - 9
Borobella1942 - 14
Bois Roussel (1935) - 16
Annabel (1932) - 14
Inadale1953 - 20
Vilmorin1943 - 7
Gold Bridge1929 - 22
Golden Boss (1920) - 19
Flying Diadem (1923) - 22
Queen Of The Meadows1938 - 7
Queen Of The Blues (1929) - 7
Nidderdale1948 - 20
Nepenthe1938 - 1
Plassy (1932) - 13
Frisky (1919) - 1
Springwell1939 - 20
Fairhaven (1932) - 8
Springtime (1932) - 20
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