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Talinum1984 - 19
Alydar1975 - 9
Raise A Native1961 - 8
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Raise You (1946) - 8
Sweet Tooth1965 - 9
On-And-On (1956) - 23
Plum Cake (1958) - 9
Water Lily1976 - 19
Riverman1969 - 10
Never Bend (1960) - 19
River Lady (1963) - 10
First Bloom1969 - 19
Primera (1954) - 4
Flower Dance (1963) - 19
Snooker1983 - 5
Pool Court1975 - 10
T V Lark1957 - 9
Indian Hemp (1949) - 14
Miss Larksfly (1948) - 9
Dodge Me1959 - 10
The Doge (1942) - 9
By Me (1946) - 10
Miss Auntie1975 - 5
Grenfall1968 - 16
Graustark (1963) - 4
Primonetta (1958) - 16
Dear Auntie1963 - 5
Everett Jr (1951) - 4
Auntie (1946) - 5
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