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Macho Uno1998 - 1
Holy Bull1991 - 16
Great Above1972 - 1
Minnesota Mac (1964) - 7
Ta Wee (1966) - 1
Sharon Brown1980 - 16
Al Hattab (1966) - 7
Agathea's Dawn (1970) - 16
Primal Force1987 - 1
Blushing Groom1974 - 22
Red God (1954) - 8
Runaway Bride (1962) - 22
Prime Prospect1978 - 1
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Square Generation (1969) - 1
Mandaguacu2000 - 13
Jules1994 - 2
Forty Niner1985 - 1
File (1976) - 1
Bonita Francita1987 - 2
Devil's Bag (1981) - 12
Raise The Standard (1978) - 2
Londrina1993 - 13
Vice Regent1967 - 10
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Victoria Regina (1958) - 10
Play Around Honey1983 - 13
Exclusive Native (1965) - 10
Indian Call (1966) - 13
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