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Emilius1857 - 2
Ephesus1848 - 5
Epirus1834 - 13
Langar (1817) - 6
Olympia (1815) - 13
Enterprise1834 - 5
Defence (1824) - 5
Lady Stumps (1827) - 5
Maid Of Saragossa1844 - 2
Jereed1834 - 8
Sultan (1816) - 8
My Lady (1818) - 8
Velocipede Mare1831 - 2
Velocipede (1825) - 3
Kate (1823) - 2
Blaue Hexe1875 - 10
Blue Gown1865 - 1
Beadsman1855 - 13
Weatherbit (1842) - 12
Mendicant (1843) - 13
Bas Bleu1858 - 1
Stockwell (1849) - 3
Vexation (1845) - 1
Gorse1859 - 10
King Tom1851 - 3
Harkaway (1834) - 2
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Blooming Heather1852 - 10
Melbourne (1834) - 1
Queen Mary (1843) - 10-a
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