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Domynsky1980 - 8
Dominion1972 - 3
Derring-Do1961 - 21
Darius (1951) - 1
Sipsey Bridge (1954) - 21
Picture Palace1961 - 3
Princely Gift (1951) - 13
Palais Glide (1948) - 3
My Therape1974 - 8
Jimmy Reppin1965 - 7
Midsummer Night (1957) - 4
Sweet Molly (1958) - 7
Howrytuar1965 - 8
Sound Track (1957) - 3
Minor Miracle (1961) - 8
Lush Gold1972 - 11
Goldhill1961 - 7
Le Dieu D'Or1952 - 3
Petition (1944) - 16
Gilded Bee (1940) - 3
Gilded Rose1950 - 7
Midas (1942) - 11
Lovely Rosa (1933) - 7
Lush Pool1959 - 11
Dumbarnie1949 - 21
Dante (1942) - 3
Lost Soul (1931) - 21
The Pensioner1946 - 11
Tai Yang (1930) - 3
Ocean Base (1935) - 11
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