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Accipiter1971 - 9
Damascus1964 - 8
Sword Dancer1956 - 1
Sunglow (1947) - 2
Highland Fling (1950) - 1
Kerala1958 - 8
My Babu (1945) - 1
Blade Of Time (1938) - 8
Kingsland1965 - 9
Bold Ruler1954 - 8
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Miss Disco (1944) - 8
Landmark1949 - 9
Revoked (1943) - 10
Oasis (1937) - 9
Ta Neil1975 - 1
Fiddle Isle1965 - 13
Bagdad1956 - 14
Double Jay (1944) - 14
Bazura (1947) - 14
Nascania1957 - 13
Vulcania (1948) - 13
Velvet Bows1959 - 1
Pet Bully1948 - 20
Petrose (1934) - 4
Camelina (1941) - 20
Thorn Wood1942 - 1
Bois Roussel (1935) - 16
Point Duty (1926) - 1
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