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Rory's Jester1982 - 1
Crown Jester1978 - 13
Baguette1967 - 6
Rego (1949) - 5
Dark Jewel (1953) - 6
Anjudy1969 - 13
Wilkes (1952) - 13
Puppet (1961) - 13
Rory's Rocket1973 - 1
Roan Rocket1961 - 13
Buisson Ardent (1953) - 7
Farandole II (1947) - 13
Cantadora1964 - 1
Matador (1953) - 8
Kantara (1953) - 1
Girlish1972 - 5
Kashmir II1963 - 9
Tudor Melody1956 - 1
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Matelda (1947) - 1
Queen Of Speed1950 - 9
Blue Train (1944) - 3
Bishopscourt (1945) - 9
Golden Girl1960 - 5
Supreme Court1948 - 14
Precipitation (1933) - 2
Forecourt (1943) - 14
Gritti1951 - 5
Epigram (1933) - 19
Tosca (1942) - 5
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