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Gazeley1903 - 16
Grey Leg1891 - 6
Pepper And Salt1882 - 23
The Rake (1864) - 1
Oxford Mixture (1870) - 23
Quetta1885 - 6
Bend Or (1877) - 1
Douranee (1877) - 6
Lygia1896 - 16
Ingram1885 - 1
Isonomy (1875) - 19
Pirate Queen (1865) - 1
Lady Peggy1884 - 16
Hermit (1864) - 5
Belle Agnes (1873) - 16
Lady Cuisine1893 - NZ
Cuirassier1885 - 18
Musket1867 - 3
Toxophilite (1855) - 3
West Australian Mare (1857) - 3
Frailty1877 - 18
Goldsbrough (1870) - 13
Flora McIvor (1866) - 18
Ladybird1884 - NZ
Feve1870 - 10
Lord Clifden (1860) - 2
Haricot (1847) - 10
Polish1871 - NZ
Day & Martin (1862) - 3
Marchioness (1863) - NZ
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