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Midnight Lute2003 - 3
Real Quiet1995 - 4
Quiet American1986 - 16
Fappiano (1977) - 16
Demure (1977) - 16
Really Blue1983 - 4
Believe It (1975) - 1
Meadow Blue (1975) - 4
Candytuft1996 - 3
Dehere1991 - 2
Deputy Minister (1979) - 10
Sister Dot (1985) - 2
Bolt From The Blue1980 - 3
Blue Times (1971) - 1
Berkut (1971) - 3
Tipsy Girl1986 - 11
Raise A Cup1971 - 9
Raise A Native1961 - 8
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Raise You (1946) - 8
Spring Sunshine1966 - 9
Nashua (1952) - 3
Real Delight (1949) - 9
Astrology Miss1971 - 11
Cornish Prince1962 - 1
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Teleran (1954) - 1
Good Call1950 - 11
Case Ace (1934) - 1
Hi Fling (1942) - 11
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