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Hastings1893 - 21
Spendthrift1876 - A3
Australian1858 - 11
West Australian (1850) - 7
Emilia (1840) - 11
Aerolite1861 - A3
Lexington (1850) - 12
Florine (1854) - A3
Cinderella1885 - 21
Tomahawk1863 - 3
King Tom (1851) - 3
Mincemeat (1851) - 3
Manna1874 - 21
Brown Bread (1862) - 16
Tartlet (1858) - 21
Tarpeia1897 - 14
Rayon D'Or1876 - 3
Flageolet1870 - 6
Plutus (1863) - 15
La Favorite (1863) - 6
Araucaria1862 - 3
Ambrose (1849) - 16
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Tarantula1887 - 14
Galopin1872 - 3
Vedette (1854) - 19
Flying Duchess (1853) - 3
Hippia1864 - 14
Daughter Of The Star (1844) - 14
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