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Cathedral Bells1981 - 3
Honest Pleasure1973 - 11
What A Pleasure1965 - 5
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Grey Flight (1945) - 5
Tularia1955 - 11
Tulyar (1949) - 22
Suntop (1940) - 11
Belle O'Reason1973 - 3
Hail To Reason1958 - 4
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Nothirdchance (1948) - 4
Foggy Note1965 - 3
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Silver Song (1957) - 3
Marie Marie1987 - 23
Star Of Troy1982 - 5
Troy1976 - 1
Petingo (1965) - 22
La Milo (1963) - 1
Guiding Star1969 - 5
Reliance (1962) - 16
Star Of Bethlehem (1959) - 5
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