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King Delamere1980 - AU
Balmerino1972 - 4
Trictrac1962 - 2
Le Haar (1954) - 20
Carya (1955) - 2
Dulcie1953 - 4
Duccio (1944) - 14
Caste (1933) - 4
Battle Eve1970 - AU
Battle-Waggon1962 - 3
Never Say Die (1951) - 1
Carrozza (1954) - 3
Summer Eve1954 - AU
Summertime (1946) - 1
Pink And White (1939) - AU
Kotirotere1970 -
Sovereign Edition1962 - 13
Sovereign Path1956 - 4
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Mountain Path (1948) - 4
Latest Edition1951 - 13
Solferino (1940) - 19
Celestial Light (1940) - 13
Kiwi Girl1964 -
Terrington1951 - 4
Tourbillon (1928) - 13
Lycia (1944) - 4
Dark Summer1956 - 1
Leeside (1950) - 1
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