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Democratic1952 - 3
Denturius1937 - 5
Gold Bridge1929 - 22
Golden Boss (1920) - 19
Flying Diadem (1923) - 22
La Solfatara1924 - 5
Lemberg (1907) - 10
Ayesha (1905) - 5
Light Fantasy1945 - 3
Signal Light1936 - 1
Pharos (1920) - 13
Ensoleillee (1926) - 1
Last Act1930 - 3
Call Boy (1924) - 2
Mafia (1923) - 3
Pastures Green1946 - 2
Dastur1929 - 16
Solario1922 - 26
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Sun Worship (1912) - 26
Friar's Daughter1921 - 16
Friar Marcus (1912) - 20
Garron Lass (1917) - 16
Marshfield1936 - 2
Tolgus1923 - 26
Stefan The Great (1916) - 2
Rosa Croft (1915) - 26
Marsh Maiden1926 - 2
Papyrus (1920) - 16
Pretty Missie (1916) - 2
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