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Westminster1877 - 1
Exminster1869 - 7
Newminster1848 - 8
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Beeswing (1833) - 8
Stockings1863 - 7
Stockwell (1849) - 3
Go-Ahead (1855) - 7
Bonny Blink1857 - 1
The Flying Dutchman1846 - 3
Bay Middleton (1833) - 1
Barbelle (1836) - 3
The Prairie Bird1844 - 1
Zillah (1835) - 1
Wonderland1884 - 3
Musket1867 - 3
Toxophilite1855 - 3
Longbow (1849) - 21
Legerdemain (1846) - 3
West Australian Mare1857 - 3
West Australian (1850) - 7
Brown Bess (1844) - 3
Fairyland1862 - 3
Orlando1841 - 13
Vulture (1833) - 13
El Dorado1851 - 3
Harkaway (1834) - 2
Epaulette (1839) - 3
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