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Creag-An-Sgor1981 - 16
Captain James1974 - 1
Captain's Gig1965 - 7
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Make Sail (1957) - 7
Aliceva1966 - 1
Alcide (1955) - 2
Feevagh (1951) - 1
Happy Thought1973 - 16
Kauai King1963 - A4
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Sweep In (1942) - A4
Grenadiere1967 - 16
Right Royal (1958) - 3
Fusil (1961) - 16
Susiesilver1979 - 17
Silver Dream1967 - 9
Tudor Melody1956 - 1
Tudor Minstrel (1944) - 9
Matelda (1947) - 1
Silver Streak1958 - 9
Borealis (1941) - 1
Mighty Mo (1952) - 9
Trueonic1965 - 17
Ironic1957 - 14
Petition (1944) - 16
Metallic (1945) - 14
Truella1957 - 17
Resurgent (1950) - 10
Lady Be True (1946) - 17
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