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Zebedee2008 - 5
Invincible Spirit1997 - 7
Green Desert1983 - A4
Danzig (1977) - 7
Foreign Courier (1979) - A4
Rafha1987 - 7
Kris (1976) - 2
Eljazzi (1981) - 7
Cozy Maria1999 - 5
Cozzene1980 - 4
Caro (1967) - 3
Ride The Trails (1971) - 4
Mariamme1991 - 5
Verbatim (1965) - 10
Miss Tusculum (1970) - 5
Red Trance2001 - 1
Soviet Star1984 - 9
Nureyev1977 - 5
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Special (1969) - 5
Veruschka1967 - 9
Venture VII (1957) - 7
Marie D'Anjou (1954) - 9
Truly Bewitched1996 - 1
Affirmed1975 - 23
Exclusive Native (1965) - 10
Won't Tell You (1962) - 23
Fabulous Fairy1991 - 1
Alydar (1975) - 9
Fairy Footsteps (1978) - 1
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