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Treat1924 - 11
Tetratema1917 - 14
The Tetrarch1911 - 2
Roi Herode (1904) - 1
Vahren (1897) - 2
Scotch Gift1907 - 14
Symington (1893) - 20
Maund (1898) - 14
Dinner1913 - 11
Dinneford1902 - 21
Dinna Forget (1892) - 3
Gracie (1886) - 21
Pernelle1907 - 11
Persimmon (1893) - 7
Nuneaton (1900) - 11
Pretty Beryl1924 - AU
Ayrville1908 - 8
Ayr Laddie1892 - 3
Ayrshire (1885) - 8
Catherine Douglas (1885) - 3
Trenville's Daughter1903 - 8
Grafton (1894) - 3
Lady Trenville (1893) - 8
Red String1908 - AU
Timbrel1894 - 3
Mozart (1881) - 3
Babylon (1887) - 3
Redlight1899 - AU
Isonomy (1875) - 19
Skylight (1889) - AU
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