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Marchand De Sable1990 - 1
Theatrical1982 - 3
Nureyev1977 - 5
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Special (1969) - 5
Tree Of Knowledge1977 - 3
Sassafras (1967) - 8
Sensibility (1971) - 3
Mercantile1983 - 1
Kenmare1975 - 1
Kalamoun (1970) - 9
Belle Of Ireland (1964) - 1
Mercuriale1965 - 1
Pan II (1947) - 2
Sirrima (1955) - 1
Seven Seventy1997 - 4
Solid Illusion1991 - 10
Cozzene1980 - 4
Caro (1967) - 3
Ride The Trails (1971) - 4
Polly's Harde1974 - 10
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Polly's Girl (1967) - 10
Note Bleue1987 - 4
Posse1977 - 8
Forli (1963) - 3
In Hot Pursuit (1971) - 8
Nitrogene1982 - 4
The Minstrel (1974) - 8
Circle The Day (1975) - 4
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