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Dedicate1952 - 23
Princequillo1940 - 1
Prince Rose1928 - 10
Rose Prince (1919) - 11
Indolence (1920) - 10
Cosquilla1933 - 1
Papyrus (1920) - 16
Quick Thought (1918) - 1
Dini1936 - 23
John P Grier1917 - 8
Whisk Broom II (1907) - 4
Wonder (1910) - 8
Quivira1932 - 23
Display (1923) - 2
Careful (1918) - 23
Best Of Show1955 - 7
Billings1945 - 23
Mahmoud1933 - 9
Blenheim II (1927) - 1
Mah Mahal (1928) - 9
Native Gal1939 - 23
Sir Gallahad III (1920) - 16
Native Wit (1929) - 23
Dog Show1940 - 7
Bull Dog1927 - 16
Teddy (1913) - 2
Plucky Liege (1912) - 16
Pomp And Glory1934 - 7
Man O' War (1917) - 4
Exalted (1925) - 7
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