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Personal Hope1990 - 8
Storm Bird1978 - 4
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
South Ocean1967 - 4
New Providence (1956) - 9
Shining Sun (1962) - 4
All The Years1984 - 8
Alydar1975 - 9
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Sweet Tooth (1965) - 9
Thirty Years1973 - 8
Bold Hour (1964) - 11
Battle Of Roses (1964) - 8
Wings On Her Heels1984 - 8
Imperial Prince1971 - 1
Sir Ivor1965 - 8
Sir Gaylord (1959) - 2
Attica (1953) - 8
Bleu Azur1959 - 1
Crepello (1954) - 16
Blue Prelude (1951) - 1
Kooramyee1969 - 8
Better Boy1951 - 2
My Babu (1945) - 1
Better So (1944) - 2
Icebound1958 - 8
Wilkes (1952) - 13
Doubtful Pleasure (1947) - 8
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