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Running Stag1994 - 1
Cozzene1980 - 4
Caro1967 - 3
Fortino II (1959) - 4
Chambord (1955) - 3
Ride The Trails1971 - 4
Prince John (1953) - 14
Wildwook (1965) - 4
Fruhlingstag1975 - 1
Orsini1954 - 14
Ticino (1939) - 20
Oranien (1949) - 14
Revada1966 - 1
Iron Liege (1954) - A4
Dalama (1957) - 1
Win Approval1992 - 7
With Approval1986 - 2
Passing Mood1978 - 2
Buckpasser (1963) - 1
Cool Mood (1966) - 2
Negotiator1974 - 7
Hoist The Flag1968 - 5
Tom Rolfe (1962) - 9
Wavy Navy (1954) - 5
Geneva II1962 - 7
Gulf-Weed (1951) - 4
Anglofila (1945) - 7
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