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Affreux1951 - 16
Court Martial1942 - 1
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Instantaneous1931 - 1
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Picture (1925) - 1
Formidable1946 - 16
Umiddad1940 - 3
Dastur (1929) - 16
Udaipur (1929) - 3
Fenzileh1940 - 16
Foxhunter (1929) - 1
Dorinda II (1933) - 16
Merridown1952 - 1
Meadow Mist1948 - 1
Foxbridge1930 - 14
Foxlaw (1922) - 2
Bridgemount (1919) - 14
Miss Stefan1933 - 1
Stefan The Great (1916) - 2
Et Voila (1928) - 1
Gay Romeda1939 - 1
Gay Lothario1923 - 4
Gay Crusader (1914) - 1
Love In Idleness (1918) - 4
Andromeda1930 - 1
Great Star (1919) - 16
Mauve (1916) - 1
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