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Street Sense2004 - 22
Street Cry1998 - 1
Machiavellian1987 - 2
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Coup De Folie (1982) - 2
Helen Street1982 - 1
Troy (1976) - 1
Waterway (1976) - 1
Bedazzle1997 - 22
Dixieland Band1980 - 4
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Mississippi Mud (1973) - 4
Majestic Legend1985 - 22
His Majesty (1968) - 4
Long Legend (1978) - 22
Cry Me A River1998 - 5
Gilded Time1990 - 2
Timeless Moment1970 - 16
Damascus (1964) - 8
Hour Of Parting (1963) - 16
Gilded Lilly1979 - 2
What A Pleasure (1965) - 5
Luquillo (1961) - 2
Princess Met1984 - 5
Mehmet1978 - 12
Soaring (1960) - 12
Cloud Ho1968 - 5
Cohoes (1954) - 1
Cloud High (1963) - 5
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