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Westminster1984 - 2
Grosvenor1979 - 8
Sir Tristram1971 - 6
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Isolt (1961) - 6
My Tricia1974 - 8
Hermes (1963) - 11
Gay Poss (1966) - 8
Apple Blossom1976 - 2
Bismark II1967 - 13
Relic (1945) - 8
Gun Play (1959) - 13
Mary Poppins1963 - 2
Fair's Fair (1943) - 6
Rag (1952) - 2
Honoured Place1985 -
Pride Of Place1978 - 9
Showdown1961 - 6
Infatuation (1951) - 16
Zanzara (1951) - 6
Honoured1971 - 9
Vain (1966) - A10
Hula Belle (1955) - 9
Fibre Reale1975 -
Royal Echo1967 - 19
Relko (1960) - 16
King's Mistress (1961) - 19
Keely Street1968 -
Streetfighter (1962) - 21
Snowstream Lass (1960) -
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