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Joanie's Chief1977 - 12
Ack Ack1966 - 9
Battle Joined1959 - 4
Armageddon (1949) - 4
Ethel Walker (1953) - 4
Fast Turn1959 - 9
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Cherokee Rose (1951) - 9
Merry Madeleine1970 - 12
Fleet Host1963 - 1
My Host (1948) - 4
Countess Alberta (1958) - 1
Dinty's Cipria1961 - 12
Kingly (1949) - 4
Cipria (1952) - 12
Pointless1976 - 1
Twist The Axe1968 - 1
The Axe II1958 - 1
Mahmoud (1933) - 9
Blackball (1950) - 1
Twisterette1960 - 1
Swoon's Son (1953) - 12
Theatre Date (1950) - 1
Sparkling View1968 - 1
Francis S1957 - 1
Royal Charger (1942) - 9
Blue Eyed Momo (1944) - 1
Brilliant View1964 - 1
Summer Tan (1952) - 2
Brilliantly (1959) - 1
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