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Easter Bells1920 - 4
Black Toney1911 - 10
Peter Pan1904 - 2
Commando (1898) - 12
Cinderella (1888) - 2
Belgravia1903 - 10
Ben Brush (1893) - A1
Bonnie Gal (1889) - 10
Mission Bell1913 - 4
Peep O' Day1893 - 1
Ayrshire (1885) - 8
Sundown (1887) - 1
Run Of Luck1900 - 4
Wagner (1882) - 12
Fair Fortune (1896) - 4
Lady Winfrey1921 - 5
Horron1910 - 4
McGee1900 - 3
White Knight (1895) - 12
Remorse (1876) - 3
Josie L1901 - 4
Top Gallant (1884) - 8
Elise B (1894) - 4
Negligee1910 - 5
Marta Santa1896 - 16
Martley (1884) - 11
Luxette (1891) - 16
Dishabille1902 - 5
King's Counsel (1894) - 17
Night Gown (1895) - 5
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