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Plus Vite1980 - 14
Bletchingly1970 - 7
Biscay1965 - 2
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Magic Symbol (1956) - 2
Coogee1959 - 7
Relic (1945) - 8
Last Judgement (1948) - 7
Viellen1972 - 14
Vibrant1963 - 13
Vilmorin (1943) - 7
Heliographic (1949) - 13
Elenoir1959 - 14
Squander Bug (1943) - 1
Just Eleanor (1952) - 14
Coup De Chance1979 - 3
Coup De Feu1969 - 21
White Fire III1962 - 9
Petition (1944) - 16
Danira (1953) - 9
Winning Bid1958 - 21
Great Captain (1949) - 1
Straight Bid (1954) - 21
Popsie1973 - 3
Don1966 - 14
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Diviana (1957) - 14
Top Of The Pops1963 - 3
Tudor Melody (1956) - 1
Fairey Logic (1951) - 3
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