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Court Trial1978 - 2
In Reality1964 - 21
Intentionally1956 - 5
Intent (1948) - 8
My Recipe (1947) - 5
My Dear Girl1957 - 21
Rough 'N Tumble (1948) - 1
Iltis (1947) - 21
Desert Trial1963 - 2
Moslem Chief1957 - 2
Alibhai (1938) - 6
Up The Hill (1938) - 2
Scotch Verdict1960 - 2
Alsab (1939) - 27
Glen Arvis (1947) - 2
Brian's Lucky1977 - 11
Lucky Lark1969 - 3
T V Lark1957 - 9
Indian Hemp (1949) - 14
Miss Larksfly (1948) - 9
Ruwenzori1956 - 3
Oil Capitol (1947) - 9
Ruanda (1948) - 3
Ruscher1966 - 11
Decathlon1953 - 21
Olympia (1946) - 4
Dog Blessed (1941) - 21
Tanbrook1956 - 11
Brookfield (1942) - 19
Ragatan (1948) - 11
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