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Pax In Bello1980 - 16
Hold Your Peace1969 - 12
Speak John1958 - 1
Prince John (1953) - 14
Nuit De Folies (1947) - 1
Blue Moon1948 - 12
Eight Thirty (1936) - 11
Blue Grail (1943) - 12
Chicanery1971 - 16
Pretense1963 - 3
Endeavour II (1942) - 8
Imitation (1951) - 3
Forward March1961 - 16
Crafty Admiral (1948) - 8
Foreword (1955) - 16
In Play1976 - 8
Shifnal1960 - 1
Star Kingdom1946 - 1
Stardust (1937) - 16
Impromptu (1939) - 1
Oceana1947 - 1
Colombo (1931) - 11
Orama (1932) - 1
Out Of Bounds1961 - 8
Rejoicing II1951 - 1
Owen Tudor (1938) - 10
Joyce (1941) - 1
Royal Player1947 - 8
Balloch (1939) - 3
Sunny Sky (1927) - 8
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