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Lutin1891 - 8
Patriarche1874 - 19
Dollar1860 - 1
The Flying Dutchman (1846) - 3
Payment (1848) - 1
Partlet1849 - 19
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Gipsy (1832) - 19
Legitime1879 - 8
Don Carlos1867 - 17
Monarque (1852) - 19
Noelie (1859) - 17
Ecliptique1874 - 8
Plutus (1863) - 15
Mlle De St Igny (1866) - 8
Pontchartrain1885 - 4
Hurrah1862 - 2
Newminster1848 - 8
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Beeswing (1833) - 8
Jovial1842 - 2
Bay Middleton (1833) - 1
Comus Mare (2d) (1834) - 2
Agenoria1876 - 4
Adventurer1859 - 12
Newminster (1848) - 8
Palma (1840) - 12
Milliner1869 - 4
Rataplan (1850) - 3
Manganese (1853) - 4-d
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