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Oncidium1961 - 16
Alcide1955 - 2
Alycidon1945 - 1
Donatello II (1934) - 14
Aurora (1936) - 1
Chenille1940 - 2
King Salmon (1930) - 1
Sweet Aloe (1935) - 2
Malcolmia1952 - 16
Sayani1943 - 1
Fair Copy (1934) - 6
Perfume II (1938) - 1
Silvery Moon1943 - 16
Solario (1922) - 26
Silver Fox II (1936) - 16
Summer Shoes1962 - 17
The Cobbler1945 - 14
Windsor Slipper1939 - 5
Windsor Lad (1931) - 19
Carpet Slipper (1930) - 5
Overture1937 - 14
Dastur (1929) - 16
Overmantle (1931) - 14
Summersette1952 - 17
Summertime1946 - 1
Precipitation (1933) - 2
Great Truth (1937) - 1
Cousette1945 - 17
Master Colossus (1928) - 2
Ruinette (1931) - 17
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