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Chatterton1919 - 1
Fair Play1905 - 9
Hastings1893 - 21
Spendthrift (1876) - A3
Cinderella (1885) - 21
Fairy Gold1896 - 9
Bend Or (1877) - 1
Dame Masham (1889) - 9
Chit Chat1913 - 1
Rock Sand1900 - 4
Sainfoin (1887) - 2
Roquebrune (1893) - 4
Chinkara1893 - 1
Galopin (1872) - 3
Raker (1881) - 1
Drumfire1917 - 4
Vulcain1910 - 4
Lady Of The Vale1897 - 4
Rayon D'Or (1876) - 3
Lady Violet (1890) - 4
Delusion1902 - 4
Meddler1890 - 1
St Gatien (1881) - 16
Busybody (1881) - 1
Faithful1890 - 4
Longfellow (1867) - A14
Miss Primrose (1881) - 4
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