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Flying Prince1926 - 19
Flying King1914 - 1
Desmond1896 - 16
St Simon (1881) - 11
L'Abbesse De Jouarre (1886) - 16
Jewelled Wings1904 - 1
Ladas (1891) - 1
Crown Jewel (1890) - 1
Vanga1915 - 19
Cylgad1909 - 22
Cyllene (1895) - 9
Gadfly (1896) - 22
Vain Chick1903 - 19
Pride (1892) - 14
Silver Wing (1887) - 19
Wild Sea1927 - 2
Catmint1909 - 3
Spearmint1903 - 1
Carbine (1885) - 2
Maid Of The Mint (1897) - 1
Red Lily1900 - 3
Persimmon (1893) - 7
Melody (1888) - 3
Wild Wave1916 - 2
Spalpeen1899 - 3
Gossoon (1889) - 3
Windmill (1886) - 3
Sadie1908 - 2
Sabretache (1893) - 27
Glauvena (1890) - 2
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