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Zarathustra1951 - 1
Persian Gulf1940 - 2
Bahram1932 - 16
Blandford (1919) - 3
Friar's Daughter (1921) - 16
Double Life1926 - 2
Bachelor's Double (1906) - 21
Saint Joan (1918) - 2
Salvia1939 - 1
Sansovino1921 - 6
Swynford (1907) - 1
Gondolette (1902) - 6
Love In The Mist1927 - 1
Buchan (1916) - 16
Ecstasy (1921) - 1
Trip To The Moon1956 - 1
Sicambre1948 - 7
Prince Bio1941 - 1
Prince Rose (1928) - 10
Biologie (1935) - 1
Sif1936 - 7
Rialto (1923) - 12
Suavita (1928) - 7
Solar Myth1946 - 1
Hyperion1930 - 6
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Selene (1919) - 6
Keystone1938 - 1
Umidwar (1931) - 3
Rosetta (1931) - 1
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