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Trace Call1930 - 7
Call Boy1924 - 2
Hurry On1913 - 2
Marcovil (1903) - 12
Tout Suite (1904) - 2
Comedienne1913 - 2
Bachelor's Double (1906) - 21
Altoviscar (1902) - 2
Tracedes1916 - 7
Tracery1909 - 19
Rock Sand (1900) - 4
Topiary (1901) - 19
Desdesheimer1908 - 7
Desmond (1896) - 16
Hildesheimer (1891) - 7
Trig1927 - 5
Chicle1913 - 31
Spearmint1903 - 1
Carbine (1885) - 2
Maid Of The Mint (1897) - 1
Lady Hamburg II1908 - 31
Hamburg (1895) - 23
Lady Frivoles (1894) - 31
Untidy1920 - 5
Sweep1907 - 8
Ben Brush (1893) - A1
Pink Domino (1897) - 8
Cafe Au Lait1910 - 5
Meddler (1890) - 1
Gunfire (1899) - 5
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