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Gay Fandango1972 - 19
Forli1963 - 3
Aristophanes1948 - 9
Hyperion (1930) - 6
Commotion (1938) - 9
Trevisa1951 - 3
Advocate (1940) - 4
Veneta (1940) - 3
Gay Violin1964 - 19
Sir Gaylord1959 - 2
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Somethingroyal (1952) - 2
Blue Violin1951 - 19
First Fiddle (1939) - A1
Blue Lu (1936) - 19
Flounce1974 - 5
Fairwind1967 - 1
Val De Loir1959 - 5
Vieux Manoir (1947) - 10
Vali (1954) - 5
Fairy Moon1960 - 1
Zarathustra (1951) - 1
Trip To The Moon (1956) - 1
Speedwell1961 - 5
Mystery IX1948 - 2
Tehran (1941) - 14
Mistress Ford (1933) - 2
Mignonne1940 - 5
Monsieur Jean (1929) - 1
Noelette (1933) - 5
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