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Major Moran1983 - 16
Colonel Moran1977 - 1
Sham1970 - 9
Pretense (1963) - 3
Sequoia (1955) - 9
Weaving Spider1957 - 1
Nearula (1950) - 1
Croix De Lorraine (1944) - 1
Dream Circle1977 - 16
Irish Ruler1963 - 23
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Irish Witch (1946) - 23
Marian Z1970 - 16
Gallant Man (1954) - 5
Imanative (1964) - 16
Concolour1988 - 5
Our Native1970 - 20
Exclusive Native1965 - 10
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Exclusive (1953) - 10
Our Jackie1964 - 20
Crafty Admiral (1948) - 8
Rakahanga (1957) - 20
Stachys1979 - 5
Northern Jove1968 - 25
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Junonia (1961) - 25
The Silver Tassie1967 - 5
Royal Levee (1959) - 9
Browallia (1963) - 5
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