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Master Petard1972 - 1
Petingo1965 - 22
Petition1944 - 16
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Art Paper (1933) - 16
Alcazar1957 - 22
Alycidon (1945) - 1
Quarterdeck (1947) - 22
Miss Upward1964 - 1
Alcide1955 - 2
Chenille (1940) - 2
Aiming High1958 - 1
Djebe (1945) - 22
Annie Oakley (1952) - 1
Trionda1970 - 13
Trictrac1962 - 2
Le Haar1954 - 20
Vieux Manoir (1947) - 10
Mince Pie (1949) - 20
Carya1955 - 2
Rockefella (1941) - 7
Sarah Madeline (1948) - 2
Yonda1958 - 13
Pride Of Kildare1948 - 10
Royal Charger (1942) - 9
Gainsborough Lass (1934) - 10
Miss Julienne1942 - 13
Lang Bian (1932) - 3
Poverty Bay (1933) - 13
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