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Wedge1913 - 4
The Welkin1904 - 19
Flying Fox1896 - 7
Orme (1889) - 11
Vampire (1889) - 7
Woodbury1895 - 19
Crowberry (1885) - 4
The Widgeon (1878) - 19
Banavie1906 - 4
Wallace1892 - 3
Carbine (1885) - 2
Melodious (1882) - 3
Fishery1899 - 4
Bill Of Portland (1890) - 26
Fishwife (1884) - 4
Miss Dixie1919 - 2
Eaton Lad1905 - 29
Orvieto1888 - 1
Bend Or (1877) - 1
Napoli (1878) - 1
Hush1887 - 29
Hermit (1864) - 5
Knavery (1870) - 29
Little Dixie1910 - 2
Prudent King1902 - 1
Love Wisely (1893) - 11
St Reine (1890) - 1
Dixie1902 - 2
Mostyn (1890) - 12
Miss Trenton (1895) - 2
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