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Timeless Native1980 - 16
Timeless Moment1970 - 16
Damascus1964 - 8
Sword Dancer (1956) - 1
Kerala (1958) - 8
Hour Of Parting1963 - 16
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Sweet Sorrow (1956) - 16
Head Off1975 - 16
Executioner1968 - 4
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Mae East (1955) - 4
Little Spinney1969 - 16
Hill Rise (1961) - 1
Sabemar (1961) - 16
Patriotess1979 - 9
Elocutionist1973 - 2
Gallant Romeo1961 - 23
Gallant Man (1954) - 5
Juliets Nurse (1948) - 23
Strictly Speaking1967 - 2
Fleet Nasrullah (1955) - 23
Believe Me (1954) - 2
Patricia L1958 - 9
Count Fleet1940 - 6
Reigh Count (1925) - 2
Quickly (1930) - 6
Peppy Nell1944 - 9
Sir Gallahad III (1920) - 16
Nellie Flag (1932) - 9
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