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Leadership1979 - 2
Trictrac1962 - 2
Le Haar1954 - 20
Vieux Manoir (1947) - 10
Mince Pie (1949) - 20
Carya1955 - 2
Rockefella (1941) - 7
Sarah Madeline (1948) - 2
Lucky Lu II1961 - 2
Hugh Lupus1952 - 19
Djebel (1937) - 5
Sakountala (1942) - 19
Zizette1951 - 2
Foxbridge (1930) - 14
Crucible (1938) - 2
Rave Reality1978 - 3
The Knack1964 - 3
Blast1957 - 1
Djebe (1945) - 22
Gale Warning (1952) - 1
Straight Mistress1956 - 3
Straight Deal (1940) - 1
King's Folly (1946) - 3
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