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Charles The Fox1976 - 11
Diplomatic Agent1968 - 19
Envoy1962 - 2
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Monarchy (1957) - 2
Royal Rhyme1960 - 19
Royal Serenade (1948) - 10
Sixpence II (1951) - 19
Penny A Thought1963 - 11
Bourbon Prince1957 - 16
Princequillo (1940) - 1
Lyceum (1948) - 16
On Approval1959 - 11
Faux Tirage (1946) - 9
Good Abbess (1938) - 11
La Ganador1982 - 2
Moss Trooper1972 - 1
Levmoss1965 - 1
Le Levanstell (1957) - 7
Feemoss (1960) - 1
Forest Friend1966 - 1
Linacre (1960) - 15
Belle Sauvage (1949) - 1
Surge1976 - 2
Sobig1961 - 1
Summertime (1946) - 1
Passive (1953) - 1
Swell1960 - 2
Messmate (1954) - 9
Sway (1954) - 2
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